3.- Sabua

3.- Sabua
It is a small tumulus. No chamber has been found. It is located on a rocky outcrop, covered by grass, and it is hard to spot it in the relief of the terrain.


Barandiaran calculated that the monument was 11 meters in diameter, but it is quite likely that the outcrop of the burial mound was also included. According to the excavation that was carried out, the tumulus has a diameter of 6 metres and a height of 0.5 metres.


It was discovered by J.M. Barandiaran in 1920, but no excavation was carried out. Later it was not possible to identify which of the raised land areas corresponded to the tumulus described by Barandiaran. In 2017, J. Tapia carried out some archaeological surveys and located a small tumulus, which according to him, may be the one mentioned by Barandiarán. The structure has been published in several research papers: Aranzadi, Barandiaran and Eguren (1922), J. M. Barandiaran (1953), J. Elósegui (1953), Archaeological Maps of Gipuzkoa (1982, 1990), J. M. Apellániz (1973).


Only part of the tumulus was excavated and no archaeological material was recovered.


Taking into account the reduced dimensions of the tumulus, it may be a monument from a later period, probably from the Bronze Age. Even so, tumuli and dolmens are often built on natural protrusions in the landscape (small hills and outcrops), to give the monument greater prominence. This has been proven, for example, in Irukurutzeta. In 2019, new excavations will be carried out in Sabua.

Bronze Age (2,000-1,500 B.C.)
Elgoibar - Soraluze

Between Atxolin and Idoia, in a flat area located to the northwest of Atxolin.