Defektuzko Albistea


Handcrafted work seduces us with its quality, its simplicity and, above all, because it is loaded with the personality and concentrated dedication of our artisan-artists.

In Debabarrena we have the opportunity to enjoy the privilege of seeing the work of these men and women who, with their hands and intelligent manner of working, offer us pieces of exquisite workmanship.

Artesanía textil en Lastur (Deba)
Artesanía textil en Lastur (Deba)

The work of these artisans is tied to the history of the territory, of the dominant economies, of the ways of life, of the way of interpreting their environment, of the way of relating to people. Artisanship is another way of getting to know places and their people.

Sometimes, the handcrafted object is a decorative piece loaded with evocations of the past.

On other occasions, the handcrafted product continues to fulfil a practical function, often related to work.

And in other cases, the work of artisans has paved the way for the making of innovative products.

In all of its forms, craftsmanship is present in the Lower Deba. It often manifests itself with such painstaking workmanship and extreme sensitivity that we are unsure whether or not it would be necessary to talk about art.
